The Honest Mommy

Uncensored thoughts on parenting & more

A good day: What it takes January 12, 2010

Filed under: Uncategorized — lotsofopinions @ 2:09 pm
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Just a few thoughts this morning on what it takes for me to have a “good day.”

  • A good (or decent) night’s sleep, which allows me to have sufficient energy, focus, and patience for the day’s challenges.
  • A feeling that I am working within my workout plan (either going to the gym that day, or know which days I am going to the gym that week)
  • A feeling that I am eating within the bounds of hunger and fullness
  • A feeling that I have some time to myself (e.g., my 1-year-old isn’t fussy and clamoring for attention seemingly every moment of the day) so that I can clean house, plan my day, make phone calls, and so on
  • A feeling that I am guarding my heart and keeping my focus on God

What does it take for you to have a good day? Let me know in the comments!